The sections below describe and document Ice-E specific features. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Comparing Ice-E and Ice - Concurrency Models - Transports - Default Servants - Collocation Optimization - Other Removed Features - Optional Features - Compatibility - Customization 3. Real-time Features - Thread API - Mutex API - Timer API - Priority Inversion - Distributed Priority Inversion - Real-time Properties - Tests 4. Run-time Libraries 5. Configuration 6. Installation ====================================================================== 1. Introduction ====================================================================== Ice-E is a compact subset of Ice designed for embedded environments while retaining many of the features that have made Ice such a compelling alternative for distributed applications. ====================================================================== 2. Comparing Ice-E and Ice ====================================================================== In order to reduce the size of the Ice-E run time, several Ice features have been removed, and others are optional. The differences discussed in the sections below refer to differences with Ice 3.3. Concurrency Models ------------------ As in Ice, Ice-E supports only the thread pool concurrency model. However, unlike Ice, Ice-E does not support the configuration of per-adapter thread pools. Transports ---------- Ice-E includes support for the TCP transport; UDP and SSL are not supported. Default Servants ---------------- Ice-E does not support servant locators. However, Ice-E does support default servants. A default servant is a regular servant that you implement and register with an object adapter. For each incoming request, the object adapter first attempts to locate a servant in its Active Servant Map (ASM). If no servant is found, the object adapter dispatches the request to a default servant. With this design, a default servant is the object adapter's servant of last resort if no match was found in the ASM. The default servant API consists of the following operations in the object adapter interface. module Ice { interface ObjectAdapter { // ... void addDefaultServant(Object servant, string category); Object removeDefaultServant(string category); Object findDefaultServant(string category); // ... }; }; As you can see, the object adapter allows you to add, remove and find default servants. Note that, when you register a default servant, you must provide an argument for the category parameter. The value of the category parameter controls which object identities the default servant is responsible for: only object identities with a matching category member trigger a dispatch to this default servant. An incoming request for which no explicit entry exists in the ASM and with a category for which no default servant is registered returns an ObjectNotExistException to the client. addDefaultServant has the following semantics: * You can register exactly one default servant for a specific category. Attempts to call addDefaultServant for the same category more than once raise an AlreadyRegisteredException. * You can register different default servants for different categories, or you can register the same single default servant multiple times (each time for a different category). In the former case, the category is implicit in the default servant instance that is called by the Ice-E run time; in the latter case, the servant can find out which category the incoming request is for by examining the object identity member of the Current object that is passed to the dispatched operation. * It is legal to register a default servant for the empty category. Such a servant is used if a request comes in for which no entry exists in the ASM, and whose category does not match the category of any other registered default servant. The removeDefaultServant operation allows you to remove the default servant for a specific category. It returns the servant that was removed. If no default servant is registered for the specified category, removeDefaultServant throws a NotRegisteredException. The findDefaultServant operation allows you to retrieve the default servant for a specific category (including the empty category). If no default servant is registered for the specified category, findDefaultServant returns null. Collocation Optimization ------------------------ Support for collocation optimization has been removed. Note that Ice-E applications are still able to make invocations on collocated servants, but those invocations are not optimized and therefore will be marshaled and sent over the built-in transport. Other Removed Features ---------------------- Ice-E has also eliminated the following features: * Asynchronous dispatch (AMD) * Dynamic Ice (blobject and streaming APIs) * Active connection management * Protocol compression * Ice::Application and Ice::Service classes * Local interfaces * IceUtil::StaticMutex class * Object by Value garbage collection * Slice checksums * The Ice::Stats interface * The IceUtil::CtrlCHandler class Optional Features ----------------- A number of Ice-E features are optional and can be omitted during compilation to further reduce the size of the Ice-E run time. See the "Configuration" section below for more information. Compatibility ------------- Ice-E and Ice share the same C++ mapping and remain source-code compatible, given the limitations described above. Furthermore, since the two products also share the same protocol, a distributed system can use any combination of Ice and Ice-E applications. Customization ------------- If the current features do not meet your requirements, ZeroC can customize Ice-E for commercial users. Please contact us at for more information. ====================================================================== 3. Real-time Features ====================================================================== Ice-E includes support for the real-time features described below. Thread API ---------- The IceUtil::Thread class supports an additional start method: ThreadControl start(size_t stackSize, int priority); The priority integer parameter represents the new thread's initial priority. The priority value is system-dependent; on POSIX systems the parameter must be a legal value for the underlying SCHED_RR scheduling policy. Attempting to start a thread with an invalid priority raises IceUtil::ThreadSyscallException. Threads that are started without a priority use the system's default priority, which is backward-compatible with prior Ice-E releases. On POSIX systems, root privileges are required when starting threads with the SCHED_RR scheduling policy. Mutex API --------- Ice-E includes some real-time enhancements to the mutex API for POSIX systems: * IceUtil::MutexProtocol enumeration This enumeration specifies the underlying protocol used by a mutex. The enumerators are PrioNone and PrioInherit. * Constructors The IceUtil::Mutex and IceUtil::RecMutex classes have new constructors that accept an IceUtil::MutexProtocol parameter. If an IceUtil::Mutex or IceUtil::RecMutex object is instantiated using the default constructor, it uses the mutex protocol returned by the function IceUtil::getDefaultMutexProtocol declared in MutexProtocol.h. See the "Priority inversion" section below for more information on this method. Timer API --------- The IceUtil::Timer class has a constructor that accepts an integer parameter representing the priority to use for the internal thread created by the timer. The priority parameter has the same semantics as for starting a thread (see Thread API above). Priority Inversion ------------------ A priority inversion occurs when a low priority thread prevents a higher priority thread from running. This inversion often occurs when a low priority thread acquires a mutex and is pre-empted by one or more medium priority threads. If a high priority thread then attempts to acquire the mutex locked by the low priority thread, it will wait (potentially forever) for the medium priority threads to complete. To avoid this kind of priority inversion, applications should use special priority-aware mutexes. On POSIX systems, such as Linux, Ice-E allows you to use normal mutexes (that are subject to priority inversion) or mutexes configured with the priority inheritance protocol. These latter mutexes will dynamically increase the priority of the thread that owns the mutex when a thread of higher priority is waiting for this mutex, until the "low priority" thread releases this mutex. Note that on gumstix the priority inheritance protocol is not supported. You can build Ice-E to create by default either type of mutex by setting DEFAULT_MUTEX_PROTOCOL to PrioNone or PriInherit in config/Make.rules. This setting has no effect on Windows or Windows Mobile. Ice-E internally uses only mutexes created with this default protocol. The DEFAULT_MUTEX_PROTOCOL setting is used only in the implementation of the IceUtil::getDefaultMutexProtocol function, therefore you can also override the setting in the Ice-E library by defining this function in your main program and returning the desired value. Please note that while all mutexes created by Ice-E will use the configured mutex protocol, Ice-E also uses a number of systems calls and C++ calls that may lock internal mutexes. Since Ice-E has no control over these internal mutexes, priority inversion is still possible if these libraries (C++ runtime, socket library, etc.) are implemented or configured with regular mutexes. On Windows Mobile, all mutexes and critical sections support priority inheritance, with one level. Refer to the link below for more details: No special Ice-E build configuration is required on Windows Mobile. Unfortunately regular Windows does not provide such mutexes and critical sections, and therefore there is no good solution to priority inversions on Windows systems. Distributed Priority Inversion ------------------------------ The Priority Inversion problem described above can also occur in a distributed setup, for example: - a number of low priority clients and high priority clients send requests to the same Ice-E server. - the Ice-E server treats all request the same way, and as a result the processing of the requests from the low priority clients will delay the high priority clients As of this release, Ice-E does not provide any solution to this type of distributed priority inversion. Real-time Properties -------------------- * Ice.ThreadPriority This property sets the priority of Ice's internal threads to a native thread priority. The value must be expressed as an integer. The value of this property is also used as the default priority for the threads in an Ice thread pool if not otherwise specified using one of the thread pool properties described below. * Ice.ThreadPool.Server.ThreadPriority This property sets the priority for all threads in the server thread pool. * Ice.ThreadPool.Client.ThreadPriority This property sets the priority for all threads in the client thread pool. Tests ----- Real-time tests need to run as super user on POSIX systems, therefore has been changed to only execute these tests when the user is root on Linux. There are two tests for real-time features: * test/IceE/priority * test/IceE/threadPoolPriority ====================================================================== 4. Run-time Libraries ====================================================================== Ice-E supports building static and dynamic Ice-E run-time libraries. Furthermore, in order to minimize the size of Ice-E applications, two versions of the run-time library are provided: * The "client" library is suitable for applications requiring only client-side functionality. * The "server" library supports client and server-side functionality. A simple rule of thumb is to use the server library if your program creates an object adapter, otherwise you can use the client library. Users of the client library must define the preprocessor macro ICEE_PURE_CLIENT when compiling an application and link with the appropriate run-time library. ====================================================================== 5. Configuration ====================================================================== You may build the Ice-E run-time libraries with certain components disabled in order to further reduce the size of your applications. The default configuration enables all of the optional components, but you can selectively disable them by editing the file config/Make.rules (Linux) or config\Make.rules.mak (Windows) and modifying their corresponding settings. The optional components are described below. For more information on these features, please refer to the Ice manual. Router Support -------------- If HAS_ROUTER is enabled, the Ice-E libraries will include support for the Ice router facility. This component is necessary in order to use Ice-E with the Glacier2 router. Applications that use routers often also receive callbacks from remote servers. These applications must use the server library, because the client library does not provide support for callbacks. Locator Support --------------- If HAS_LOCATOR is enabled, the Ice-E libraries will include support for the Ice locator facility. This component is necessary in order to use indirect proxies in Ice-E. Batch Messages Support ---------------------- If HAS_BATCH is enabled, the Ice-E client library will include support for sending batch messages. This feature cannot be disabled in the server library. Wstring and String Converter Support ------------------------------------ If HAS_WSTRING is enabled, the Ice-E libraries will include support for using wide strings as well as configuring custom string converters. Opaque Endpoint Support ----------------------- The HAS_OPAQUE_ENDPOINTS setting determines whether the Ice run time preserves proxy endpoints whose types are not recognized. This feature is unnecessary in an environment in which all clients and servers use Ice-E, since TCP is the only supported transport. When Ice-E programs communicate with Ice programs, however, it is possible for an Ice-E program to receive a proxy that contains unsupported endpoints, such as SSL or UDP. Ice-E discards these endpoints when this feature is disabled, but discarding the endpoints prevents an Ice-E program from forwarding the proxy with its original endpoints intact. Enabling opaque endpoints causes Ice-E to retain unknown endpoints in the proxy and include them if the proxy is later marshaled. Asynchronous Method Invocation Support -------------------------------------- If HAS_AMI is enabled, the Ice-E client mapping and library will include support for issuing remote invocations asynchronously with guaranteed non-blocking semantics. ====================================================================== 6. Installation ====================================================================== For installation instructions, please refer to the INSTALL.* file for your platform.