====================================================================== Release notes for Ice 3.3.0 ====================================================================== The sections below describe the new features and fixes included in this release. See the section titled "Upgrading your application" for more information about migrating to a new Ice release, including details about APIs that have been deprecated or removed in this release. Note that because the Python, Ruby, and PHP language mappings use the C++ Ice run time, they automatically benefit from fixes to the C++ Ice core even if those language mappings are not explicitly mentioned below. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. New Features - Non-blocking AMI - Scalability improvements in Glacier2 - IceStorm - Freeze transactional evictor - Administrative facility - Dynamic network interfaces - IPv6 and UDP multicast - Updated C# mapping 2. Ice for .NET 3. Fixes and improvements 4. Desupported components - Java2 - Thread per connection concurrency model 5. Upgrading your application - Migrating IceStorm databases - Migrating IceGrid databases - Removed APIs - Deprecated APIs 6. Platform specific notes - IBM JDK - Java and IPv6 - Mono - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 - Solaris x86 ====================================================================== 1. New Features ====================================================================== This section discusses the significant enhancements offered in this release. Non-blocking AMI ---------------- Ice 3.3 includes an important change in the semantics of AMI requests: Ice now guarantees that the calling thread will never block when issuing an asynchronous invocation. In previous releases, the Ice run time blocked the calling thread until the request was accepted by the local transport buffer. Typically this occurred quickly enough that AMI requests appeared to be non-blocking, and applications may have been designed based on that assumption. In fact, however, there were many opportunities for an AMI request to block: * If a connection was not yet established, the calling thread would block while Ice attempted to resolve DNS host names and open a connection to one of the proxy's endpoints. * When using an indirect proxy, the calling thread blocked while Ice issued a request to the locator. * If the local network buffer was full, Ice blocked until there was room for the entire message. An application could use timeouts to avoid blocking indefinitely, but it was not safe to assume that an AMI request would never block. As of this release, Ice behaves quite differently when processing an AMI request. An initial attempt is made to send the request synchronously, without blocking. This includes the activities mentioned above, such as establishing a connection and contacting a locator. If any of these activities would block, Ice queues the request and returns immediately. Queued requests are sent in the background; in C++ and Java, an internal thread performs this duty, while in .NET Ice uses the platform's asynchronous I/O facility. An application can still use timeouts if necessary, and in fact AMI timeouts have much greater precision in this release because they no longer depend on the interval defined by the configuration property Ice.MonitorConnections. The new non-blocking nature of AMI requests is especially useful for a graphical application, which in previous releases needed to use some potentially elaborate workarounds to avoid impacting the interactive responsiveness of its user interface. Along with this new capability comes new responsibility. There now exists the potential for accumulating an unlimited number of queued AMI requests in the Ice run time, consuming an equally unlimited amount of memory. To that end, Ice provides new APIs that enable an application to implement its own flow-control logic: * Asynchronous proxy methods now return a boolean value to indicate whether the AMI request was sent synchronously. If the method returns false, it means the Ice run time has queued the request. * An AMI callback can be notified when a queued request is sent. Taken together, these two API enhancements allow you to keep track of your outstanding AMI invocations. There have been other notable changes to the asynchronous invocation model: * AMI now supports oneway requests. The callback object is required to implement the ice_response and ice_exception methods as usual, but ice_response is not called for oneway requests. Ice calls the ice_exception method if an error occurs before a oneway request is accepted by the local transport buffer. * Batch requests can be flushed for individual proxies using two new proxy methods: void ice_flushBatchRequests() bool ice_flushBatchRequests_async(callback) As its name implies, the second method allows you to flush batch requests with non-blocking AMI semantics. * Ice guarantees that the thread making an AMI request is never used to invoke a method in the callback object. Instead, all invocations on an AMI callback are now performed by a thread from an Ice thread pool. As a result, it is now safe to hold a non-recursive lock while making an AMI request, whereas in previous releases doing so had the potential for causing a deadlock if the callback acquired the same lock. * A thread that invokes an asynchronous proxy method must be prepared to catch CommunicatorDestroyedException if it is possible for the communicator to be destroyed while the thread is active. All other exceptions are passed to the ice_exception method of the callback object. This behavior differs from previous releases, in which no exceptions could be raised by an asynchronous proxy method. Please refer to the "Asynchronous Programming" chapter in the Ice manual for more information on the new AMI semantics. Scalability improvements in Glacier2 ------------------------------------ The new AMI semantics made it possible to significantly improve the scalability of the Glacier2 router. In previous releases Glacier2 used the thread-per-connection concurrency model in an effort to prevent the activities of one client from impacting other clients. The main disadvantage of using thread-per-connection is that it did not scale as well as the thread pool concurrency model. Glacier2 now uses the thread pool for greater scalability, and takes advantage of non-blocking AMI to ensure that slow or misbehaving clients cannot affect the router's other clients. The router's buffering mode has also been enhanced so that at most two threads are used, rather than a thread for each client as in prior versions. However, it is no longer necessary to use buffered mode solely to gain better separation between clients; Glacier2 now provides the same separation regardless of its buffering mode. The primary motivations for enabling buffering are to give the router an opportunity to batch oneway requests, and to support its ability to override pending requests. IceStorm -------- The most significant improvement to IceStorm is the addition of a highly-available mode. Using master-slave replication with support for automatic failover, IceStorm now provides a much greater degree of reliability. This mode is enabled entirely via configuration and requires no changes to publishers or subscribers. This release also contains a number of other IceStorm changes: * Subscriptions are now persistent by default, meaning IceStorm stores the proxy of each subscriber in its database. At startup, IceStorm considers each of these subscribers as already subscribed and automatically removes a subscriber's proxy from the database if a delivery attempt fails. To take advantage of a persistent subscription, a subscriber should register either an indirect proxy or a direct proxy that uses a fixed port. * A new Quality of Service (QoS) parameter, retryCount, gives a subscriber some control over IceStorm's behavior when delivery attempts fail. * IceStorm can run in a fully-transient mode in which no databases are maintained. Replication is not supported in this mode. * IceStorm guarantees that it will deliver all received events to subscribers before it shuts down. * A new operation, getNonReplicatedPublisher, has been added to the Topic interface for use when event ordering is important. The IceStorm chapter in the Ice manual has more information on these changes, including a new section devoted to the highly-available mode. Freeze transactional evictor ---------------------------- This release adds a new kind of Freeze Evictor in which all write operations are automatically enclosed in a Freeze transaction. This new Evictor gives applications write-ordering guarantees, allows developers to enclose several operations in the same transaction (when using collocated invocations), and helps ensure data consistency when recovering from a crash. See the "Freeze" chapter in the Ice manual for complete details. Administrative facility ----------------------- Ice supports an extensible new facility for adding administrative capabilities to your applications. When an application is properly configured, the Ice run time creates a dedicated object adapter that hosts a single object known as the "admin" object. Each administrative capability is represented by a separate facet of the admin object. Ice supplies two facets by default: the Process facet enables a server activation service such as IceGrid to gracefully terminate the process, and the Properties facet allows remote inspection of a program's configuration. Applications can also install their own facets, and easily control which facets are enabled using a configuration property. IceBox extends the facility to make its ServiceManager interface available via an administrative facet, giving you the ability to remotely start and stop individual IceBox services. The facility is also integrated into IceGrid and its administrative clients. You can find more details in the relevant chapters of the Ice manual. For more information on the administrative facility, see the "Ice Run Time" chapter. Dynamic network interfaces -------------------------- Ice server endpoints that are configured to listen on all local interfaces now listen on INADDR_ANY/ rather than listening separately on each of the interfaces that were found at the time the server started. This means that if a new interface becomes available while the server is running, Ice will be able to receive and process requests using that interface. Note that, if an interface change occurs, an object adapter does not automatically refresh the list of endpoints that it embeds in newly- created proxies. Rather, an application must instruct the object adapter to refresh its endpoint list using the new operation refreshPublishedEndpoints. See the "Ice Run Time" chapter in the Ice manual for further details. IPv6 and UDP multicast ---------------------- Ice 3.3 includes support for IPv6 as well as UDP multicast. Both of these features are controlled via configuration properties. IPv6 is disabled by default, and can be enabled using the new property Ice.IPv6. Another new property, Ice.IPv4, allows you to disable the use of IPv4 if you prefer to use only IPv6 in your application. Using UDP multicast in an application simply requires that you select an appropriate IP address for your endpoints. Appendix D of the Ice manual explains the syntax for specifying IPv6 and UDP multicast addresses in endpoints. Updated C# mapping ------------------ New metadata allows .NET users to map Slice sequence types into generic .NET 2.0 collections: // Slice ["clr:generic:List"] sequence S; maps to: // C# System.Collections.Generic.List S; Additional collection types are also supported. Slice dictionary types now map to a generic .NET 2.0 collection by default: // Slice dictionary D; maps to: // C# System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary D; If you prefer to use the previous .NET 1.1 mapping to DictionaryBase, you will need to annotate your Slice definitions with the metadata tag "clr:collection". ====================================================================== 2. Ice for .NET ====================================================================== Given the language-neutral nature of .NET's Common Language Runtime (CLR), maintaining Slice compilers for both Visual Basic and C# is unnecessary. As a result, Ice no longer includes a Slice compiler for Visual Basic, and Ice for C# is now known as Ice for .NET. Users can write an Ice application in any language that is supported by the CLR, but Slice definitions must now be generated in C#. The names of the Ice for .NET run-time DLLs have also been changed accordingly. Below is a list of the old DLL names and their equivalent names in this release: icecs.dll Ice.dll glacier2cs.dll Glacier2.dll iceboxcs.dll IceBox.dll icegridcs.dll IceGrid.dll icepatch2cs.dll IcePatch2.dll icesslcs.dll IceSSL.dll icestormcs.dll IceStorm.dll You will need to update your Visual Studio projects to reflect these changes. Ice continues to include sample programs for Visual Basic, and you can use these projects as a guide for updating your own Visual Basic projects. ====================================================================== 3. Fixes and improvements ====================================================================== Below is an abbreviated list of changes included in this release that were not already discussed in "New Features". For a complete list of changes, please refer to the CHANGES file included in your Ice distribution. * An IceBox service can now recursively start and stop other IceBox services from within its start and stop methods. The level of recursion is limited to the threads in the administrative object adapter's thread pool. * IceBox services that share a communicator now use a dedicated communicator instance that is not used by the IceBox server. This dedicated communicator only inherits properties from the server's communicator if IceBox.InheritProperties is set to a non-zero value. * It is no longer necessary to define a value for the property IceBox.ServiceManager.Endpoints. If this property is not defined, the ServiceManager interface is not available. * Configuration properties for IceBox services can now be defined on the command line. * A new object adapter property, .ProxyOptions, lets you customize the proxies that the adapter creates. * Accepting incoming connections can no longer block a thread from a server thread pool. This includes activities such as connection validation and SSL handshaking. * The new property Ice.TCP.Backlog allows you to specify the size of incoming connection backlog for TCP/IP sockets. This setting is also used for SSL. In C++ the default value is SOMAXCONN or 511 if that macro is not defined. In Java and .NET the default value is 511. * Changed servant locators so both locate() and finished() can throw user exceptions. * It is now legal to change the compression setting of a fixed proxy. * An IceGrid node is more conservative when removing the directory of a server. The node only removes the directory when the server is explicitly removed from a deployed application or if the directory contains only files and directories that were created by the node. * IceGrid's round-robin load balancing policy better handles servers that are unreachable. * When resolving the endpoints of a replica group, the IceGrid locator no longer waits for an object adapter to complete its activation if another adapter is already active. * Added an object adapter to the IceGrid registry. The adapter is named `IceGrid.Registry.AdminSessionManager' and is responsible for Glacier2 administrative sessions. * Glacier2 filters are now disabled by default for IceGrid client and administrative sessions created with the IceGrid session managers. If you rely on these filters being enabled, you must now explicitly set the property IceGrid.Registry.SessionFilters or IceGrid.Registry.AdminSessionFilters. * The IceGrid node now unblocks the SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM signals from forked servers. * Several improvements have been made to the output of slice2html. * The inheritance structure of C++ servant classes has changed such that it is now possible for a servant to derive from IceUtil::Thread. * If a proxy contains a host that is multihomed, the client will now try all of the IP addresses reported by DNS. Previously, only the first address in the list was used and others were ignored. * The way that the Ice run time determines whether a proxy invocation is eligible for collocation optimization has changed somewhat. The Ice run time no longer performs a DNS lookup; instead, invocations on a direct proxy will use the optimization only if the host and port of one of its endpoints match the host and port of an endpoint or published endpoint of an object adapter from the same communicator. * Exceptions thrown from collocation-optimized invocations are now fully transparent. If an operation throws an exception that is not in the operation's exception specification, or throws a non-Ice exception, the client receives UnknownUserException or UnknownException, exactly as if the servant for a remote invocation had thrown the same exception. (In earlier versions, the client received the original exception, rather than an unknown exception.) For Ice run-time exceptions, all run-time exceptions are passed to the client as UnknownLocalException, except for - ObjectNotExistException - FacetNotExistException - OperationNotExistException - OperationNotExistException - UnknownException - UnknownLocalException - UnknownUserException - CollocationOptimizationException * Most proxy factory methods now return a proxy of the same type as the original and no longer require the use of a checked or unchecked cast. For example, in C++ you can write HelloPrx hello = ...; hello = hello->ice_oneway(); Previously you would have needed a cast, such as hello = HelloPrx::uncheckedCast(hello->ice_oneway()); In Java and .NET, you must use a type cast: hello = (HelloPrx)hello.ice_oneway(); * The IceSSL plugins for Java and .NET now support a password callback interface. You can also specify the class name of a certificate verifier or password callback via configuration properties. * It is now possible to use Ice's built-in sequence types in Slice data structures that are compiled with streaming support. Previously this would not work because the Ice sequences were not compiled with streaming support. * Changed Ice.Exception in .NET to derive from System.Exception instead of System.ApplicationException in accordance with Microsoft's recommendations for writing custom exceptions. * The Ice.Application class now supports signal handling on Mono. * The .NET build system supports the new macro MANAGED, which can be enabled if you want to build a version of the Ice run time that uses only managed code. * Marshaling performance in .NET has been improved. * The rules for legal property names and values have been relaxed. Refer to the "Properties" chapter in the Ice manual for a complete description of the syntax. The limit on the line length of a property in a configuration file has also been removed. * The new property Ice.Warn.UnusedProperties causes the communicator to display a warning during its destruction that lists all properties that were set but whose values were never read. * Ice for Java now supports the ICE_CONFIG environment variable. * It is now possible to use UNC paths on Windows in the configuration of Ice services. * A string converter plugin has been added to Ice for C++, which is particularly useful for the scripting language extensions. * Ice for Python now accepts Unicode objects as arguments to remote operations. ====================================================================== 4. Desupported components ====================================================================== This section describes Ice components that are no longer supported. Java2 ----- Ice for Java now requires Java5 or Java6 as its compilation and run- time environment. See the section titled "Deprecated APIs" for additional information on the Java language mapping. To continue using Java2 for your application, you must use a previous Ice release. Note however that ZeroC only provides support for the most recent Ice release unless you have a support contract. Thread per connection concurrency model --------------------------------------- The improvements introduced by the non-blocking AMI feature (see "Background I/O") have made this concurrency model unnecessary and it has been removed as of this release. See "Removed APIs" for additional information. ====================================================================== 5. Upgrading your application ====================================================================== Ice 3.3 does not maintain backward binary compatibility with applications built using Ice 3.2, but every effort was made to preserve source compatibility. Note however that Ice always maintains protocol ("on the wire") compatibility with prior releases. The requirements for upgrading depend on the language mapping used by your application: - For statically-typed languages (C++, Java, .NET), the application must be recompiled. - For scripting languages that use static translation, your Slice files must be recompiled. If your application uses IceStorm or IceGrid, please refer to the relevant sections below for migration instructions. Finally, certain APIs that were deprecated in previous Ice releases have been removed in this release. If your application relied on one of these APIs, it may no longer compile or execute correctly. A list of the removed APIs is provided in the section titled "Removed APIs" along with a description of their replacements. Furthermore, the section "Deprecated APIs" discusses APIs that are deprecated as of this release; we encourage you to update your applications and eliminate the use of these APIs as soon as possible. Migrating IceStorm databases ---------------------------- Ice 3.3 supports migrating IceStorm databases from Ice 3.1 and from Ice 3.2. Migration from other Ice versions may work, but is not officially supported. If you require assistance with this please contact sales@zeroc.com. To migrate, first stop your IceStorm servers. Next, copy the IceStorm database environment to a second location: $ cp -r db recovered.db Run the Berkeley DB utility db_recover on the copied database environment: $ db_recover -h recovered.db Note that it is essential that the correct version of db_recover is used. For Ice 3.1, Berkeley DB 4.3.29 must be used. For Ice 3.2, Berkeley DB 4.5 must be used. Now change to the location where the Ice 3.3 IceStorm database environments are stored: $ cd Next, run the icestormmigrate utility. The first argument is the path to the old database environment. The second argument is the path to the new database environment. In this example we'll create a new directory "db" in which to store the migrated database environment: $ mkdir db $ icestormmigrate db The migration is now complete, and the contents of the old database environment are now in the db directory. Migrating IceGrid databases --------------------------- Ice 3.3 supports migrating IceGrid databases from Ice 3.1 and from Ice 3.2. Migration from other Ice versions may work, but is not officially supported. If you require assistance with this please contact sales@zeroc.com. To migrate, first stop the IceGrid registry you wish to upgrade. Next, copy the IceGrid database environment to a second location: $ cp -r db recovered.db Run the Berkeley DB utility db_recover on the copied database environment: $ db_recover -h recovered.db Note that it is essential that the correct version of db_recover is used. For Ice 3.1, Berkeley DB 4.3.29 must be used. For Ice 3.2, Berkeley DB 4.5 must be used. Now change to the location where the Ice 3.3 IceGrid database environments are stored: $ cd Next, run the upgradeicegrid.py utility located in the `config' directory of your Ice distribution (or in /usr/share/Ice-3.3.0 if using an RPM installation). The first argument is the path to the old database environment. The second argument is the path to the new database environment. In this example we'll create a new directory "db" in which to store the migrated database environment: $ mkdir db $ upgradeicegrid.py db The migration is now complete, and the contents of the old database environment are now in the db directory. By default, the migration utility assumes that the servers deployed with IceGrid also use Ice 3.3. If your servers still use an older Ice version, you need to specify the --server-version command-line option when running upgradeicegrid.py: $ upgradeicegrid.py --server-version 3.2.1 db The migration utility will set the server descriptor `ice-version' attribute to the specified version and the IceGrid registry will generate configuration files compatible with the given version. If upgrading the master IceGrid registry in a replicated environment and the slaves are still running, you should first restart the master registry in read-only mode using the --readonly option, for example: $ icegridregistry --Ice.Config=config.master --readonly Next, you can connect to the master registry with icegridadmin or the IceGrid administrative GUI to ensure that the database is correct. If everything looks fine, you can shutdown and restart the master registry without the --readonly option. Removed APIs ------------ This section describes features and APIs that are no longer available in this release. * Thread per connection The primary purpose of this concurrency model was to serialize the requests received over a connection, either because the application needed to ensure that requests are dispatched in the order they are received, or because the application did not want to implement the synchronization that might be required when using the thread pool concurrency model. Another reason for using the thread-per-connection concurrency model is that it was required by the IceSSL plug-ins for Java and C#. This requirement has been eliminated. The ability to serialize requests is now provided by the thread pool and enabled via a new configuration property: .Serialize=1 Please refer to the "Ice Run Time" chapter of the Ice manual for more details on this feature. Aside from the potential semantic changes involved in migrating your application to the thread pool concurrency model, other artifacts of thread-per-connection may be present in your application and must be removed: - The configuration properties Ice.ThreadPerConnection and .ThreadPerConnection - The proxy methods ice_threadPerConnection and ice_isThreadPerConnection * .NET metadata The metadata directive "cs:collection" is no longer valid. Use ["clr:collection"] instead. * C++ The following methods have been removed: - Application::main(int, char*[], const char*, const Ice::LoggerPtr&) Use Application::main(int, char*[], const InitializationData&) instead. - initializeWithLogger - initializeWithProperties - initializeWithPropertiesAndLogger Use initialize(int, char*[], const InitializationData&) instead. - stringToIdentity - identityToString Use the equivalent Communicator operations. * Java The following methods have been removed: - Application.main(String, String[], String, Logger) Use Application.main(String, String[], InitializationData) instead. - initializeWithLogger - initializeWithProperties - initializeWithPropertiesAndLogger Use initialize(String[], InitializationData) instead. * .NET The following methods have been removed: - Application.main(string, string[], string, Logger) Use Application.main(string, string[], InitializationData) instead. - initializeWithLogger - initializeWithProperties - initializeWithPropertiesAndLogger Use initialize(ref string[], InitializationData) instead. * Python The following methods have been removed: - initializeWithLogger - initializeWithProperties - initializeWithPropertiesAndLogger Use initialize(args, initializationData) instead. - stringToIdentity - identityToString Use the equivalent Communicator operations. * General The following methods have been removed: - ice_hash - ice_communicator - ice_collocationOptimization - ice_connection These proxy methods were replaced by ones of the form ice_get..., such as ice_getHash. ice_collocationOptimization is now ice_getCollocationOptimized. - ice_newIdentity - ice_newContext - ice_newFacet - ice_newAdapterId - ice_newEndpoints These proxy methods were replaced by ones that do not use "new" in their names. For example, ice_newIdentity was replaced by ice_identity. * Ice.LoggerPlugin This property provided a way to install a custom logger implementation. It has been replaced by a more generalized facility for installing custom loggers. Deprecated APIs --------------- The Ice APIs and components listed below are deprecated in this release. They will be supported for at least one more minor release; for example, these items will be supported in Ice 3.4 and removed in Ice 3.5. We encourage you to update your applications and eliminate the use of these APIs as soon as possible. * Java2 language mapping Java5 is now the default language mapping. Applications that use the Java2 mapping can continue to use it by adding the appropriate metadata tag to your Slice files or by using the "--meta java:java2" option when running the Slice-to-Java compiler. Note that the compiler now emits a deprecation warning when it encounters the Java2 metadata tag. If you used the "java:java5" metadata tag when compiling your Slice definitions, you can now remove those tags. Any uses of custom type metadata ("java:type:...") should also be reviewed. * Sequences as dictionary keys The use of sequences, and structures containing sequences, as the key type of a Slice dictionary is now deprecated. * LocalObject The mappings for the LocalObject type have changed in Java, .NET and Python. The new mappings are shown below: Java java.lang.Object .NET System.Object Python object The types Ice.LocalObject and Ice.LocalObjectImpl are deprecated. * Ice.MonitorConnections In previous releases this property specified the interval at which a background thread in the Ice run time checked for idle connections and enforced timeouts on AMI requests. This setting is now ignored because the changes to AMI (see "New Features") include more precise AMI timeouts. * Ice.Trace.Location This property has been replaced by Ice.Trace.Locator. * Ice.Default.CollocationOptimization This property, as well as the corresponding proxy property, have been replaced by Ice.Default.CollocationOptimized and .CollocationOptimized, respectively. * .RegisterProcess This property caused the Ice run time to register a proxy with the locator registry (e.g., IceGrid) that allowed the process to be shut down remotely. The new administrative facility (see "New Features") has replaced this functionality. * Ice.ServerId As with .RegisterProcess, this property was used primarily for IceGrid integration and has been replaced by a similar mechanism in the administrative facility (see "New Features"). * Glacier2.Admin IcePatch2.Admin These are the names of administrative object adapters in Glacier2 and IcePatch2, respectively. The functionality offered by these object adapters has been replaced by that of the administrative facility (see "New Features"), therefore these adapters (and their associated configuration properties) are deprecated. ====================================================================== 6. Platform specific notes ====================================================================== IBM JDK -------- The IBM JDK ships with limited jurisdiction policy files for the cryptographic libraries. This creates an issue for Ice's certificate authority script (iceca) when running with the command-line options "iceca java --import". The import fails with an error similar to: "java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters" To solve this problem you must install the unlimited jurisdiction policy files. For more information, including a link to download the policy files, see: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/security/50/ Once you have downloaded the policy files, you must unpack them into the jre/lib/security directory. Java and IPv6 ------------- IPv6 is not currently supported in Java on Windows due to a bug in the JVM. Refer to the bug database for more information: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6230761 Mono ---- Mono requires that a system's host name be correctly configured and that it resolves to an IP address. Otherwise, Mono is unable to determine the local IP addresses, which causes the creation of object adapters that listen on INADDR_ANY/ to fail with an Ice::DNSException. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 ---------------------------- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 systems, Ice connection establishment to inactive ports of the IPv6 loopback address might hang instead of immediately reporting "connection refused" (ECONNREFUSED). The hang can last for several minutes and is similar to hangs you would get if you try to connect to an unreachable address. We are still investigating the exact cause of this hang but so far we believe this is a Linux issue that occurs only with the IPv6 implementation of RHEL 5.1. Solaris 10 x86 -------------- C++ developers using sequence on Solaris 10 x86 (32-bit) should link their applications with the static version of libCstd, or upgrade the Sun C++ runtime shared libraries to a newer version (not yet available as of this Ice release). Refer to http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5277939 for more information.